Few things clients want to know about Microblading

" When you’ve tried every pencil, powder, pigment, gel, and stencil at the makeup counter and your brows are still sparse, there’s microblading, a more permanent fix for thin brows that promises to change your brow life. Today everyone knows about microblading. And with good reason: Nothing out there is as long-lasting nor natural-looking.

Microblading is a form of tattooing
Unlike a regular tattoo, "microblading is a form of tattoo artistry where the pigment is implanted under your skin with a manual handheld tool instead of a machine. Hair-like strokes are drawn with the tool to mimic natural hairs in your brows. Even though it’s not as deep as the regular tattoo, it’s still a tattoo because the pigment is implanted under the skin.

There are several methods of microblading
Microfeathering, which is microblading with a lighter touch focused on adding just a little to the brows’ existing shape, and ombré or microshading, which mimics the look of brow makeup with a more obviously filled-in look instead of hair-like strokes.

Preparation is key
There are some things you need to avoid before getting microbladed, namely, anything that will thin out your blood. If you drink a lot, take aspirin, or use retinol, stop one week before your treatment. "Retinol makes your skin thin and then you bleed a little more," Aava advises, adding that profuse bleeding pushes out pigment so that it doesn’t stick as well. "Avoid blood thinners, aspirin, anything caffeinated, and alcohol during the healing process."

It doesn’t hurt (too much)
Pain is relative. "Some feel more than others. Overall it feels like little scratches. You feel it, but it’s not unbearable. Clients brows are prepped with topical numbing cream and tops up throughout the process to dull the discomfort. Aftercare is essential Brows will look slightly darker at first, but the color will fade 30 to 40 percent. Aftercare ointments are provided during your first appointment. Slight redness and mild swelling are normal. Using any makeup and other products should be avoided on the brows while they heal.

Results last up to three years
Depending on the skin and lifestyle, clients come back for touch-ups once every six months to twelve months. The brows’ pigment will change over time While they will be long-lasting, clients should have realistic expectations and understand the brows will naturally fade. "Your body might metabolize pigment faster, or if your skin is oilier, the pigment breaks down faster. "Strokes soften and blur a bit. If you think it’ll stay looking exactly like hairs forever and stay sharp, that’s not going to happen.

Microblading is an investment
Make smart choices in your life, always choose QUALITY over QUANTITY. QUALITY is remembered long after the price is forgotten. IF YOU THINK IT’S EXPENSIVE TO HIRE A PROFESSIONAL, WAIT UNTIL YOU HIRE AN AMATEUR "

 Posted   by  Elle magazine